
Travel Danger Statistics

Last Updated on April 12, 2023

People are afraid of flying and terrorism and when in reality the dangerous part of the trip is the car ride to the airport.

And the most dangerous place of all is your dinner table!

Here are some statistics of risk factors. These are for "the average American," but I assume they'd be similar for citizens of other countries (except for the gunshot wound, of course—because of the insane number of firearms in the USA).

Basically what they show is that if you're afraid of dying from the most publicized incidents (terrorists, earthquakes, etc.), you should give up flying in airplanes, swimming, boating, walking on city streets, working, skiing, being in snowy or stormy places, and most especially driving or riding in cars, because those activities are riskier—in the case of car travel far riskier—than being anywhere near terrorists or earthquake zones.

And enjoying an unhealthy modern lifestyle, with little physical activity and meals rich in unhealthy salt, sugar, carbs and fats, is far far more risky than anything else!

Your chance of dying from these causes is...

Heart disease
Gunshot wound
Car accident
A fall
Skin cancer
Pedestrian accident
Injury at work
Motorcycle accident
Bicycle accident
Boating accident
Smallpox vaccination
Bus accident
Train accident
Skiing or snowboarding
Airline accident
Terrorist attack
Dog attack
Amusement park ride
Shark attack
1 in 300
1 in 509
1 in 9450
1 in 18,800
1 in 19,400
1 in 20,700
1 in 37,900
1 in 45,200
1 in 47,600
1 in 118,000
1 in 159,000
1 in 225,000
1 in 341,000
1 in 402,000
1 in 750,000
1 in 4,260,000
1 in 4,400,000
1 in 5,050,000
1 in 5,930,000
1 in 6,330,000
1 in 8,140,000
1 in 8,450,000
1 in 9,270,000
1 in 10,900,000
1 in 18,200,000
1 in 70,000,000
1 in 93,800,000
1 in 94,900,000

—Tom Brosnahan

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