
Nut Allergy Reaction in Turkey

Last Updated on April 30, 2019

Here’s a first-hand account of a tree nut-allergy incident in Turkey:

“I just returned from a trip to Istanbul, where I ate at a large buffet that was prepared for a party serving a lot of people.

“I tried to be careful, but ended up eating some kind of nuts and it seemed that many of the foods at the buffet contained nuts. They were all local type dishes served at one of the finest hotels.

“Luckily, I had my Epi-pen with me and used it. There was a Turkish ambulance nearby and they put an IV in me and watched me for an hour as I stabilized.

“The Turkish ambulance EMTs didn’t speak much English and there was a problem communicating until one of the tour guides showed up and translated.

“The ambulance was not equipped with the same standards of gear that a US ambulance would be…they did not take most of the same vitals that we would in the US.

They took good care of me, but my feeling was that if I had not had my Epi-pen and gave myself a shot…I may not have faired [sic] as well.

“Still I loved Istanbul and regret only that my incident kept me from the scheduled next day visit to the Bazaar and mosques, which I am so sad to have missed.”

—Name withheld by request

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