
Transport for Anamur, Turkey

Last Updated on March 29, 2021

Anamur transport is by road (car or bus). There is no train service.

The nearest airport is at Gazipasa, near Alanya.

Antalya Airport, four hours' drive to the northwest, has far more flights.

Distances & Travel Times

Adana: 305 km (190 miles) E, 6 hours

Ankara: 800 km (497 miles) N, 13 hours

Alanya: 135 km (84 miles) NW, 2.5 hours

Antalya: 250 km (155 miles) W, 4 hours

Istanbul: 975 km (606 miles) NW, 16 hours

Konya: 455 km (283 miles) N, 8 hours

Side: 198 km (123 miles) NW, 1.25 hours

Silifke: 140 km (87 miles) E, 2.5 hours

Ürgüp (Cappadocia): 735 km (457 miles) NE, 11 hours

—by Tom Brosnahan

Castle walls & frog-filled moat,
Mamure Kalesi, Anamur, Turkey.

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