High-Speed Train Istanbul—Konya

Last Updated on August 28, 2023

Istanbul - Konya High-SpeedTrain (YHT – Yüksek Hızlı Tren) is the High-Speed Train operated by TCDD Taşımacılık (Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Devlet Demiryolları – Turkish Republic State Railways) on the route of Söğütlüçeşme - Konya.

Train Stations 

Istanbul - Konya YHT line has 11 stations. These are (from Istanbul) Söğütlüçeşme, Bostancı, Pendik, Gebze, Izmit Station, Arifiye, Bilecik YHT Station, Bozüyük YHT Station, Eskişehir Train Station, Selçuklu YHT Station and Konya Station. The table below is summarized according to the stops you can use when traveling from Istanbul to Konya or from Konya to Istanbul. From this site, you can access the current departure and arrival times from all stations.

İstanbul – Konya High-speed Train

No Train No İstanbul – Söğütlüçeşme Departure İstanbul – Bostancı Departure İstanbul – Pendik Departure Eskişehir Departure Konya (Selçuklu) Departure Konya Arrival Total Time
1 81302 06:45 06:57 07:17 09:49 11:31 11:35 4:50
2 81306 12:20 12:31 12:50 15:26 17:08 17:12 4:52
3 81308 15:55 16:11 16:30 19:03 20:46 20:50 4:55
4 81312 18:40 18:51 19:13 21:41 21:23 23:27 4:47
5 81312 18:40 18:51 19:13 21:46 23:28 23:32 4:52

Konya – İstanbul High-Speed Train

No Train No Konya Departure Konya – Selçuklu Departure Eskişehir Departure İstanbul – Pendik Departure İstanbul – Bostancı Departure İstanbul – Söğütlüçeşme Departure Total Time
1 81301 06:00 06:08 07:49 10:22 10:40 10:49 4:49
2 81301 06:00 06:08 07:48 10:22 10:40 10:49 4:49
3 81305 08:45 08:53 10:34 13:14 13:39 13:48 5:03
4 81309 12:25 12:33 14:14 16:44 17:06 17:21 4:56
5 81313 18:40 18:48 20:29 22:52 23:10 23:24 4:44


How to Purchase Tickets 

If you are going to use the High-Speed Train, it is recommended that you plan your tickets online and buy them online. You can buy your ticket quickly from the internet on this site, or you can get it from there by downloading the TCDD Transportation mobile application to your phone. You can easily access all information and announcements about your trip through the application. Of course, you can also reserve your tickets from YHT stations, but you may encounter the possibility that there is no space left on the train route you want to go.

Please note that ID and passport control are carried out at ticket sales and controls.

High-speed trains also travel between Istanbul and Eskişehir, Ankara and Konya, Eskişehir, and Konya, and Ankara and Eskişehir 

—Tom Brosnahan, updated by Melike Kocaer

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