Advertise on TurkeyTravelPlanner

Last Updated on May 17, 2019

Here’s how to advertise your product or service to the 3 million visitors (nearly 12 million pageviews) of each year.

Your Campaign

Contact us to arrange for your advertisements to appear on specific pages or groups of pages on TTP via Google DFP. Minimum annual contract is US$1000.

In-Content Text Link Ads

We do not accept in-content text-link ads, or third-party content, and in general we do not favor text link advertising.

Link Exchange

We do not exchange links for search engine optimization purposes.

TTP’s Links page has a limited number of links to carefully-chosen websites that may interest TTP users. Highly informative, high-utility, non-commercial, non-profit and charitable websites with direct relevance to travel in Turkey have the best chance of obtaining a link. If your website does not directly help travelers to Turkey, there is no chance of a link.

—by Tom Brosnahan


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