Transport for Amasya, Turkey

Last Updated on May 7, 2019

Bus and car are the best ways to get to Amasya (map). The nearest airport is the small Merzifon-Amasya Airport. The daily train from Samsun is slow and less comfortable than the bus.


Mis Amasya Tur and other companies operate several buses daily from Istanbul (10 hours) and twice as many buses from Ankara (5 to 6 hours) to Amasya.


Turkish AirlinesAnadoluJet and Pegasus operate flights between Merzifon-Amasya Airport (MZH) and Istanbul and Ankara. The airport is 6 km east of Merzifon, and 41 km northwest of Amasya. There’s a larger, busier airport at Samsun.


A regional “express” makes the 3-hour trip between Amasya and Samsun daily, departing Amasya at 04:55 am and returning from Samsun departing at 18:00 (6 pm), making 17 stops along the way.

Distances & Travel Times

Ankara: 335 km (208 miles), 5 hours

Boğazkale: 85 km (53 miles), 1.5 hours

Cappadocia (Ürgüp): 400 km (250 miles), 7 hours

Çorum: 92 km (57 miles), 1.75 hours

Giresun: 339 km (211 miles) E, 6 hours

Istanbul: 685 km (426 miles), 10.5 hours

Samsun: 130 km (81 miles), 2.25 hours

Sinop: 220 km (137 miles), 4 hours

Sivas: 225 km (140 miles), 4 hours

Trabzon: 461 km (286 miles), 7 hours

—by Tom Brosnahan

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