(Note: professional guides provide their services for a fee. Although they welcome inquiries about scheduling and availability of their services, they expect to be paid when they provide tourism information. You may be asked to arrange payment before questions are answered. Also, if you reserve a guide’s time in advance, you may be asked to arrange credit card payment at the time of reservation, just as for a hotel room, rental car, or flight. Please note that guides are not travel agents, and are not licensed to make reservations or other travel agency services.—Tom Brosnahan)
Hello! I’m Fatih K. Copuroğlu, licensed professional private guide.
I was born in Istanbul in 1973, and lived in different parts of Turkey for short times in my childhood. I have been back in Istanbul since 1990. I am married and have two daughters.
Having studied Tourism and Hotel Management, I have worked at hotels in Turkey’s most beautiful and most cosmopolitan resort town of Bodrum during summer vacations. It was there that I realized that people come from so many different cultures, and that I took great pleasure in learning about them as well as telling them about my own.
The course of my life was thus decided, and after I graduated from the Tourism school, I followed my passion, attended the courses of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and became a licensed tour guide in 1995.
Being an English-speaking guide I have guided people from many different countries, who had different professions, and different interests.
I was privileged in guiding celebrities as well, and these (as far as I am at liberty to reveal), include Melinda & Bill Gates (Microsoft), Greg Popovich (Coach of St. Antonio Spurs NBA Team), John Galliano (Head Designer of Christian Dior), Paul Martin (former prime minister of Canada), Ivanka Trump (Donald Trump’s daughter), and the Honorable John Hogg (President of the Australian Senate).
I think the real experience is in learning from each individual among the guests, learning about people and where their needs, preferences and interests lie. I know that everybody does not have the same level of interest in history, architecture, religions, or lifestyles. As a guide, I know that it is my responsibility to create the right environment and provide them with the best experience by using my know-how to set a tailored course and pace for each tour.
Even though I guide outside of Istanbul as well, I pride myself on being an Istanbul specialist. I dare say that over the years I have developed mastery of every single attraction in this vibrant city of deep heritage and vivid dynamism. This is not limited to historical sites. I’m also acquainted with its different religions and their holy places, the finest restaurants, most elegant shops, and the craziest nightclubs.