
Jewish Sites Turkey-Walking Tour

Last Updated on April 25, 2019

I’ve written a walking tour of Jewish heritage sites in Turkey, concentrating on Istanbul, with some information on BursaIzmir and Sardis, and brief mentions of other cities with histories of Jewish life such as Çanakkale, Manisa and Bergama.

The tour takes you step-by-step through the Jewish (or formerly Jewish) neighborhoods of Istanbul, Bursa and Izmir, describing the buildings and their importance to the Jewish communities in each city. Non-Jewish sitesof importance in the same neighborhoods are also mentioned so you can see everything on one walk and make the most of your travel time.

Click here to download the 21-page, 176Kb .pdf file.

(COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Jewish Heritage Sites in Turkey is Copyright ©1992, 2008 by Tom Brosnahan. All rights reserved. You are hereby granted a license to download and print one paper copy of this document for personal use. Duplication, or printing of more than one copy, requires an additional license, for which you must please contact me.)

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