
Trojan Horse, Troy, Turkey

Last Updated on May 1, 2019

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Feeding the Trojan Horse

No, that dark structure in the background is not the original Trojan horse, just an imaginative replica built by the Turkish government so visitors would have something distinctive to photograph when they visit the ruins of Troy.

Is there nothing else to see? Yes. There are walls and ruins of a few buildings. Most are of intense interest only to archeologists. But the excitement of a visit to Troy is in the feeling of the place:

— The view across the fertile Troad (plains of Troy) to the Dardanelles and the Gallipoli peninsula and battlefields on the far shore

— The thrill of standing on the walls where one of the great early legends of our civilization was played out, with Helen, Achilles, Hector…

The story is good enough to rate a major motion picture…and a visit from you!

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