About Turkey Travel Planner

Last Updated on May 1, 2019

TurkeyTravelPlanner.com has hosted as many as 4.5 million visits annually from more than 230 countries and territories, generating over 12 million pageviews.

The top 12 countries sending visitors: USA, UK, Turkey, Australia, Canada, Germany, India, United Arab Emirates, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, France.

One-third (31%) of TTP visitors return for additional visits. They trust TTP, and find it useful.

This map shows where most TTP visitors come from(courtesy of Google Analytics):

Turkey Travel Planner aims to be the best, most user-friendly and most informative and entertaining travel website dedicated to the Turkish Republic, now among the world’s top seven travel destinations.

(For the record, we are not an airline, not a travel agency, not an employment agency, and we have no more bus information than is already on the website’s pages. We do not make any travel reservationsClick here for great travel agencies that can help you.)

What makes TTP special?

1. True Travel Guidance, not just information. There’s already way too much travel information, especially on the Internet. What people need and want is guidance, which is information and opinion designed for decision assistance, that is, to help them make decisions about where to go, what to do, and how to spend their precious travel budget.

2. It’s all done “by hand:” no slick database, no tortured over-design. It’s not like a hi-tech machine or a computer game, it’s like a book. This “hand-work” is why TTP is easy to navigate: we think through the links you might need and the pages you’ll want to read next, and set up the navigation accordingly. It’s difficult to do that optimally in a database. We call it Optimized Hypertext™.

3. It’s designed for you, not advertisers. Sure, it’s got to pay its way, and we greatly value those who advertise on TTPbecause they make it possible for us to offer all of this information at no cost to you. But YOU and your trip are the reason TTP exists at all. We really love researching trips and presenting travel info, and we love the responses we get from travelers we’ve helped.

4. It’s innovative: we try new and different ways of presenting travel information, and make finding that information easier and more fun for you. We’ve spent decades working to make travel information comprehensive andcomprehensible to travelers of all types.

5. Updates, comments and humor are on TTP’s Facebook page. More…

These other websites have also been developed by Travel Info Exchange, Inc.:

— France Travel Planner

— Paris Travel Planner

— New England Travel Planner

— SipNewEngland.com

— Egypt Travel Planner

— NorwayTravelPlanner

— St Moritz Travel Planner

— Writers’ Website Planner

—Venice (Florida) Travel Planner

— PieChef.com

To see users’ comments about TTP, see Tom’s Email, the TTP Forums, and press comments.

Before you use TTP, please read the COPYRIGHT NOTICE, the DISCLAIMER. and our Privacy Policy. Thanks!

Here’s how to advertise on TTP.

We’re curious to know if we’ve succeeded in helping you to plan your trip to Turkey. If you find TTP useful, informative, easy and fun to use, or if you have a question or comment about travel in Turkey, please contribute your ideas to the TTP ForumsThanks!

—by Tom Brosnahan

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