Transport for Gordion, Turkey

Last Updated on May 7, 2019

Turkey’s high-speed trains (Yüksek Hızlı Tren) make it quick and easy to reach Polatlı, the town 21 km (13 miles) southeast of Gordion (map), in 35 minutes, in comfort.

From Polatlı you can take a minibus or taxi to Gordion. Haggle with the taxi driver in advance for a firm price for the trip there, the wait, and the trip back. Or, if you wish, you can make all your arrangements in advance through one of my recommended travel agencies.

Here’s the high-speed train schedule:

Ankara—> Polatlı Polatlı—> Ankara
09:20 09:55 07:46 08:22
11:30 12:04 10:05 10:39
13:45 14:20 14:10 14:44
18:10 18:45 14:40 15:14
19:05 19:39

These trains are enroute to or from Istanbul or Konya, which means that you can also reach Polatlı from those cities, although the journey is longer. More…

These schedules are subject to change, so be sure to check in advance for current departure times.

Distances & Travel Times

These distances and travel times are from Gordion:

Afyon:169 km (105 miles) SW, 2.5 hours

Ankara106 km (66 miles) E, 1.75 hours

Boğazkale: 302 km (188 miles) E, 4.5 hours

Cappadocia: 394 km (245 miles) SE, 6.5 hours

Eskişehir: 139 km (86 miles) W, 2.25 hours

Konya: 256km (159 miles) S, 5 hours

Polatlı: 21 km (13 miles) SE, 35 minutes

About Gordion

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The Hittites

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