The carpet business in Turkey deserves to be termed Byzantine these days, what with carpets made in other countries—China, Bangladesh, India—of synthetic fibers and industrial dyes being sold as "authentic Turkish carpets."
Navigating a carpet purchase can be as complicated as getting married, and the outcome as uncertain.
Because there are so many uncertainties in the Turkish carpet business, and because I can't be sure how a purchase will proceed—or end— I can only recommend particular shops or dealers.
I suggest general principles for the shopper to follow when considering the purchase of a Turkish carpet, and what's it like to visit a Turkish carpet shop. More...
Recommended Carpet Shops
Punto Carpets 
For over a decade we have seen Punto offering a wide range of high quality, authentic, hand-made rugs as new, antique, and vintage. You will find fine rugs from timeless classics to exotic contemporary in special collections as well. Their antique Turkish and Persian rugs collection has been gathered with the expertise of literally generations. Also the pure silk rugs are woven on the masters-looms of the famous Ozipek and Cinar families and considered to be their signature collection.
EthniCon Carpets 
EthniCon is a 3rd generation carpet shop that has been in the Grand Bazaar for 45 years. All carpets are hand made and they have a very broad selection of both ethnic and contemporary carpets.
—by Tom Brosnahan