Turgut Village, Hisarönü, Marmaris

Last Updated on May 7, 2019

The small village of Turgut, 5 km (3 miles) south of Orhaniye on the way to Selimiye on the Bozburun peninsula southwest of Marmaris, (map), is a quiet place known mostly for the Turgut Şelalesi (waterfall) on its outskirts.

The waterfall is a favorite stopping place for the many jeep safaris that race through the Bozburun Peninsula in summertime—a tranquil moment in an otherwise raucous trip.

In the countryside around Turgut, beekeepers set up honey camps in summer, setting out hundreds of beehive boxes to foster the production of the famous Marmaris honey.

Bozburun Honey Camp near Marmaris, Turkey

Hundreds of beehives ranged in rows at a honey camp

Minibuses from the Marmaris Otogar run daily to Turgut Village. You can also take a Selimiye or Bozburunminibus, as they pass through Turgut.

Use this handy Hotel Search Box to find a place to stay in or near the tranquillity of Turgut:

—by Tom Brosnahan


Bozburun Village

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