QIXO is an airfare search engine that searches the data of more than 28 airline and airfare websites to find you cheap flights to Turkey.
However, at the moment there seems to be something wrong with the way their database is working: it yields some flights with impossible connections (arriving at 3:30 pm and departing at 1:20 pm, for example.) In fact, these are real connections that entail overnight layovers of, say, 20 to 22 hours—but the dates given do not show this! It may read as though both these flights operate on the same day, but they don’t. Beware! I’ve contacted QIXO to notify them of this problem. I hope they fix it soon.
Also, QIXO does not seem to work right with Apple’s Safari browser: I input dates several months ahead and get a message telling me that the system “can’t process flight times less than 12 hours away.” Huh?
So QIXO is sorta lame at the moment….
In principle, here’s how it works: put your trip dates in the box to the right, and QIXO will start searching for cheap flights. You’ll see a QIXO page immediately, but it’ll seem like nothing’s happening. (You may see aridiculous message saying “More results in 0 seconds.” Ignore this message. Look for the %bar in the upper right-hand corner of the page, which seems to start with “5%”.)
Nothing may happen for a minute or two—it needs a bit of time to do the searches on all those other airline reservations systems. Don’t worry, it’s working! After a minute or two your computer screen will automatically refresh and show you some of the results. And your screen will refresh automatically at regular intervals (perhaps every 30 seconds) thereafter with more results, until all of the results are shown (100%).
However, the airfare market is like Istanbul‘s Grand Bazaar: prices go up and down, and change from shop to shop, so if you have the time and patience, you should also search some of the other websites on TTP’sQuite Marvelous Airfares Page.
Among the 28 airline reservations systems that QIXO checks is , which seems to show the lowest fares more frequently than most other reservations sites. More…