
Phones for International Travel

Last Updated on April 30, 2019

Several companies, including Mobal World Phones and Telestial sell inexpensive GSM mobile phones for international travel.

The initial cost of the phone is low. The cost per call can be higher than that for your home mobile phone, but still quite reasonable for occasional or emergency use when traveling.

You order the phone online, it is mailed to you, you set up your account and charge your new phone before departing on your trip, and when you arrive at your destination your new phone is ready for use.

The phone is good for most destinations in the world, and can be used for future trips as well. You are not charged a monthly fee. You only pay if and when you use the phone.

Your new phone will use one of Turkey’s three mobile phone networks. You should consider the network you want to use. Some phones can only operate on certain frequency bands (900 Mhz, 1800 Mhz or 2100 Mhz)—something to know before you purchase a phone. More…

own a gsm world phone that works in over 170 countries

Works in Turkey, too…

My wife turns off the cellular functions on her Apple iPhone and uses a Mobal World Phoneinstead. She says the Mobal is quite useful on foreign trips: she can always reach others traveling with her and—perhaps even more important—folks at home can always reach her. Convenience is high and the overall cost—if you don’t use it a lot, or for long calls—is low. More…

An alternative is a Telestial dual-SIM phone which allows you to use a local SIM card at your destination if you wish. Using a local SIM can reduce your calling costs even more. More…

By the way, every mobile phone brought into Turkey must, in principle, be registered with the Turkish government after 120 days, but you must be a resident of Turkey to do this. More…

—by Tom Brosnahan

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