Turkish Lesson 4: Common Turkish Adjectives

Last Updated on April 8, 2024

In lesson 3, you’ve learned essential words and phrases that will help you while shopping. 

In Lesson 4, you will learn common adjectives and antonyms in the Turkish language. Then you’ll also learn some new phrases.

Learning these set-up words will come in handy when visiting Turkey, especially when you are shopping and eating.

Thanks to these words, you will be able to take a step further to use native expressions!

Lesson 4, Common Turkish Adjectives

In this lesson, you’ll learn very common Turkish adjectives and their antonyms (Words 31 to 40);

31 Hot/Cold Sıcak/Soğuk Bir sıcak kahve alabilir miyim lütfen? Can I have a hot coffee please?
32 Big/Small Büyük/Küçük Bir büyük bardak su alabilir miyim lütfen? Can I get a large glass of water, please?
33 New/Old Yeni/Eski Bu yeni bir elbise. It’s a new dress.
34 Open/Closed Açık/Kapalı Kapı açık. The door is open.
35 Beautiful/Ugly Güzel/Çirkin O güzel bir kız. She is a beautiful girl.
36 Long/ Short Uzun/ Kısa Gidecek uzun bir yolumuz var. We have a long way to go.
37 And/or Ve/veya Çay ya da kahve. Tea or coffee.
38 Good/Bad İyi/Kötü İyi şanslar. Good luck.
39 There is/ There isn’t Var/Yok Burada bir broşür var. There is a brochure.
40 Not… Değil… Soğuk değil. It’s not cold.


-by Tom Brosnahan, updated by Duru Nemutlu

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