
İZBAN İzmir Suburban Trains

Last Updated on December 3, 2022

alsancak-station, Izmir

İZBAN İzmir Suburban Trains

 İzmir’s İzban stretches approximately 130 km (80 miles) from Selçuk to Aliağa. This train is most convenient for passengers who fly into Izmir’s Adnan Menderes Airport, and wish to head to Selçuk (Ephesus), Izmir’s city, or the Foça area. 

If you enter the city by bus, arriving at Izmir’s otogar (bus terminal), you will ride city bus 560 to Halkapinar to access the Izban. Halkapinar is where Izmir’s Metro and İzban intersect.

The İzban is a helpful mode of transport for those who are traveling outside of Izmir. The İzban has a stop at Izmir’s airport, as well as the Alsancak Gar, which is an intercity train station. The İzban also connects to Izmir’s Metro, which stops at the Basmane Gar, another intercity train station. 

The largest portion of the Izban, which runs between Menemen to Tepeköy, has trains that depart every 15 minutes. If you are taking the train all the way to its endpoints of Aliağa or Selçuk, you will have to switch to a different train on the same line. The trains that reach the endpoints of the Izban are slightly less frequent than those which go between Menemen and Tepeköy, leaving about 3 times every hour. 

When you get off the İzban, be sure to swipe your Izmirim kart at orange “arti” kiosks. This will return money to your card for the portion of the train you did not ride. 


--By Abigail Goosen

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