Kalekapısı, Antalya, Turkey

Last Updated on August 30, 2022

The center of Antalya, "capital" of Turkey's Mediterranean coast, is an ancient stone tower in the old city walls marking Kalekapısı (KAH-leh-kah-puh-suh, Castle Gate) (map).

It's right next to the city's well-known symbol, the Grooved Minaret (Yivli Minare).

Just down the hill from it is Kaleiçi (Old Antalya), with dozens of fine old Ottoman-style boutique hotels, innspensions and restaurants.

Kalekapısı is where Antalya's Nostalji tramscross tracks in the middle of their run. The AntRay tram route is only one block away.

Because Kalekapısı is a pedestrian zone (except for the tram line), you must walk a block or two west, north or east to catch city buses.

Attalus & Stone Tower, Kalekapisi, Antalya, Turkey

Above, the statue of Attalus, founder of Antalya, gazes south to the ancient stone tower marking Kalekapısıand the Tekeli Mehmet Pasa Camii (mosque), Antalya, Turkey.

The easiest way to reach Kalekapısı inexpensively from Antalya's otogar(bus terminal) is to take the AntRay tram. Board the tram at the Otogar (bus terminal) and get out at the İsmetpaşa stop, just north of the intersection of İsmetpaşa Caddesi and Cumhuriyet Caddesi (map). Kalekapısı is only a block away, to the west.

Antalya's old bazaar (çarşı) and market district starts at Kalekapısı and extends north along the pedestrian mall of Kâzım Özalp Caddesi, also known by its former name of Şarampol Caddesi. Stand back to back with the statue of Attalus, and you'll be looking north up Kâzım Özalp/Şarampol Caddesi.

—by Tom Brosnahan

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