Cappadocia Airport Transport

Last Updated on August 19, 2023

When you arrive in Cappadocia, how do you go from the airport to your hotel?

Several Cappadocian travel agencies operate airport shuttle vans that can take you from Kayseri's Erkilet Airport (ASR) or Nevşehir-Kapadokya Airport (NAV) right to your hotel.

The shuttles go to all the towns of Cappadocia, and offer the most convenient and cost-effective way to travel between airport and hotel.

It's best to reserve your seat(s) in advance if possible, as the shuttles are sometimes fully booked.

Travel time to/from both of Cappadocia's airports depends on the number and location of hotel stops. Coming from the airport, if yours is the first hotel, the trip should take about one hour to/from either airport. If yours is the last hotel, more like 1-1/2 hours.

Onur Air & Sun Express

Shuttles are operated by Rock Valley Travel.

Turkish Airlines

Argeus Tourism & Travel operates the official Turkish Airlinesshuttle service.

Pegasus Air

Contact either of the travel agencies mentioned above to reserve your Pegasus Air shuttle seat(s).

If you arrive without a shuttle reservation and want a shuttle seat, look for the drivers and guides—the ones holding the paper signs with passengers' names on them—and ask if there's room in their van.

Reserve Your Seat!

You needn't take the shuttle designated for your airline. That is, if you arrive on Onur Air or Pegasus Air, you can still buy a seat in the Turkish Airlines shuttle van, and vice-versa, if there is a seat available. Any shuttle will happily accept any passenger so long as seats are available. A Cappadocia travel agency can also make your shuttle seat reservation for you.

Airport Taxi

Of course there are also taxis at the airport that will take you directly to your hotel in a shorter amount of time, but the fareis many times that of the shuttle vans.

Car Hire/Rental

You can also rent a car at the airport and drive to your hotel. It's fine to do this from Nevşehir-Kapadokya Airportas the route is comfortable and well-marked, but I don't recommend it from Kayseri Airport where you must drive through city traffic, and the route to the towns of Cappadocia is not as simple.

But really, the airport shuttle is the easiest way. Shuttle fares are reasonable and the driver is a professional who knows the location of all the Cappadocian towns and hotels. He won't get lost. You may.

Let the shuttle driver take you to your hotel, then rent a car after you're settled in—the day after you arrive, for example. The rental agent is probably willing to bring the car right to your Cappadocia hotel.

—by Tom Brosnahan

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