11- to 15-Day Tours of Turkey

Last Updated on December 4, 2024

Here are some of my favorite 11- to 15-Day guided tours of Turkey, perfect for a comfortable first visit to the country. Despite apparent similarities among tours, every tour company approaches the adventure slightly differently, so read carefully.

Prices vary among the tours according to length, class of accommodations, modes of transport, etc. Read this to understand what makes a good tour, and to know that the lowest price is not always the best value.

Classical Turkey

14 Days

Perhaps the best 14-day introductory tour of Turkeythat I’ve seen, this Argeus tour is limited to 10 participants, takes you to all of Turkey’s top archeological and other sights (IstanbulKuşadasıEphesusPrieneMiletusDidymaAphrodisiasPamukkalePhaselisAntalyaPergeAspendosKonyaCappadocia) and lodges you in some of my favorite hotels. It is certainly not the cheapest, but if you’re looking for quality and value, here it is. More…

Turkey Exclusive

11 Days

Staying in 4- and 5-star hotels, this Efendi Travel tour takes you to IstanbulTroyKuşadasıEphesusAphrodisiasPamukkaleKonya and Cappadocia. Add extra days in Cappadocia or Istanbul if you like. If you have your own small group, Efendi can run the tour just for you. More…

Ancient Turkey Tour

11 Days

This Efendi Travel tour gives you comfortable amounts of time in IstanbulAnkaraCappadociaKonya,Pamukkale, and the Ephesus area. More…

East & West Turkey Tour

11 Days

Including the eastern region in your Turkey adventure usually means a 2-week tour, but Efendi Travel‘s East & West Turkey Tour does it in less time, visiting IstanbulMardin, Midyat, ŞanlıurfaHarranNemrut DağıCappadociaEphesusAphrodisiasPamukkale & HierapolisMore…

Western Turkey

13 Days

This tour by Rock Valley Travel shows you the best of the western half of Turkey: IstanbulÇanakkaleDardanelles & GallipoliKuşadasıEphesusPamukkaleFethiye and Antalya on the Mediterranean coast, Konya and Cappadocia. If you have the time, I’d recommend tacking on a day or two more in Istanbul for sightseeing and shoppingMore…

Biblical Turkey

15 Days

Anyone with an interest in Biblical history will find this Rock Valley Travel tour satisfying: IstanbulCappadociaTarsusAdanaAntakya (Antioch)AnamurAlanyaAntalyaPamukkale & Laodicea, Alaşehir (Philadelphia), SardisEphesusKuşadasıİzmir (Smyrna)Bergama (Pergamum), and İznik (Nicaea)More…

Shorter Tours

TurkeyTravelPlanner.com partners offer a good variety of shorter 6- to 10-day tours that take you to all the top sights in the shortest possible time. More…

—by Tom Brosnahan

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