
16- to 23-Day Tours of Turkey

Last Updated on December 4, 2024

Here are some of my favorite 16- to 23-Day guided tours of Turkey, perfect for a comfortable first visit to the country. Despite apparent similarities among tours, every tour company approaches the adventure slightly differently, so read carefully.

Prices vary among the tours according to length, class of accommodations, modes of transport, etc. Read this to understand what makes a good tour, and to know that the lowest prices is not always the best value.

Archeological Turkey

17 Days
Perhaps the best 17-day archeological tour of Turkeythat I’ve seen, this small-group tour by Argeus Tourism & Travel takes you to all of Turkey’s top archeological sights including Ankara‘s Anatolian Civilisations Museum and Temple of Augustus, the Hittite cities of Hattuşa, Yazılıkaya and Alacahöyük, all the highlights of CappadociaÇatalhöyükKonyaAntalyaPergeAspendosTermessosPamukkale & HierapolisEphesusPrieneMiletusDidymaSardisPergamum, then Troy & Gallipoli, and finally the ancient monuments of Constantinople/IstanbulMore…

Turkey in Depth

16 Days
For those with ample time, Efendi Travel‘s in-depth tour shows you the best of western, central and eastern Turkey: IstanbulCappadociaGaziantep (with its superb new Zeugma Mosaic Museum), Şanlıurfa, the Atatürk Dam, Nemrut DağıMardin, Hasankeyf, Midyat, Lake VanDoğubeyazıtKars & AniErzurum , and Trabzon. on the Black Sea coastMore…

—by Tom Brosnahan

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