What’s the cheapest way to travel in Turkey?Bus, rental car, train or plane?
These estimates are in US$. (Exchange rates).
Route | Km | ||||
445 | $25-$35 | $65 | $17 | $85-$110 | |
Istanbul–Antalya | 710 | $35-$50 | $99 | — | $60-$118 |
710 | $35-$50 | $99 | — | $67-$110 | |
730 | $35-$55 | $102 | $22 | $60-$110 | |
600 | $33-$46 | $83 | — | $52-$110 | |
1275 | $65-$100 | $210 | $23 | $67-$95 | |
Ephesus–Cappadocia | 880 | $44-$68 | $140 | — | $112-$133 |
Ephesus–Antalya | 400 | $22-$37 | $60 | — | $112-$133 |
Antalya–Cappadocia | 580 | $33-$48 | $82 | — | $120-$133 |
*CAR: Fuel only! Add daily rental charges. Some adjustments made for long trips & mountainous terrain.
‡TRAIN: Express train seat in the best train on the route; sleeping car/couchette charges are not included.
†PLANE: The lower fare is on Onur Air, AtlasJet, IzAir, or other “low fare” airline. The higher fare is the most common Turkish Airlines ticket bought in Turkey or through a Turkish travel agency, one-way coach fare to nearest airport; add ground transport cost.