What’s the cheapest way to travel in Turkey? Bus, rental car, train or plane?
These estimates are in Turkish Liras. (Exchange rates).
Route | Km | Bus | Car* | Train‡ | Plane† |
Istanbul– Ankara | 445 | TL33-40 | TL110 | TL25 | TL79-159 |
Istanbul– Antalya | 710 | TL45-60 | TL175 | — | TL79-159 |
Istanbul– Bodrum | 710 | TL45-60 | TL170 | — | TL79-159 |
Istanbul– Cappadocia | 730 | TL45-65 | TL175 | TL30 | TL79-159 |
Istanbul– Ephesus | 600 | TL43-60 | TL165 | TL30 | TL79-159 |
Istanbul– Erzurum | 1275 | TL85-130 | TL240 | TL30 | TL79-159 |
Ephesus– Cappadocia | 880 | TL57-88 | TL200 | — | TL79-159 |
Ephesus– Antalya | 400 | TL29-48 | TL90 | — | TL79-159 |
Antalya– Cappadocia | 580 | TL43-63 | TL135 | — | TL79-159 |
*CAR: Fuel only! Add daily rental charges. Some adjustments made for long trips & mountainous terrain.
‡TRAIN: Express train seat in the best train on the route; sleeping car/couchette charges are not included.
†PLANE: Fares for tickets bought in Turkey or through a Turkish travel agency, one-way coach fare to nearest airport; add ground transport cost (which can be considerable).
Lower fares are usually for tickets bought well in advance on Anadolu Jet, Onur Air, AtlasJet, Pegasus Airlines, Sun Express, etc. Higher fares are for the last seats available. Turkish Airlines tickets tend to be a bit more expensive, for a higher level of service.
Bus Travel Costs |