Pamukkale Seyahat Bus-Istanbul

Last Updated on August 13, 2022

Pamukkale Seyahat is one of Turkey's major bus companies, operating buses from Offices 42-44 of Istanbul's Büyük Otogar to AfyonAnkaraAntalyaAydınAyvalıkBodrum, Bursa, Denizli (for Pamukkale), Didim (Didyma), Fethiye, KuşadasıIzmir and other towns along the Aegean coastMarmaris and Muğla; and to the Black Seatowns of Çarşamba, Fatsa, Samsun and Ünye.

Telephone +90 (212) 444 3535; or +90 (212) 658 2222 in Istanbul's Büyük Otogar.

Pamukkale Seyahat website is only in Turkish, but with the tips below you should be able to find the bus route, schedule and fares you want.

First, click on Sefer Sorgulama on the left-hand side. A new window opens. Here are translations of the terms:

Hareket Yeri = Departure Point

Varış Yeri = Arrival Point

Hareket Tarihi = Departure Date (always starts with today's date, in Turkish)

Sefer Listele = List the Trips

After making your selections of departure point, arrival point and travel date, you should get a list of all departures on that date. At the top of the departure information is:

Fiyat (fare) in Turkish liras (note that this is the discounted Internet fare—you will pay a few liras more if you don't purchase your ticket on the Internet)

Yolculuk Süresi (journey length, in hours [Saat] and minutes (Dakika)

KM the distance in kilometers.

Below this information are the departure times (24-hour clock); the route is in (parentheses), followed by the type of bus (such as Teknobüs or Travego), also in parentheses.

In the right-hand column, the words mean:

UYGUN = Suitable (seats available)

DOLU = Full (no seats available)

ÇIKTI = Departed (too late!)

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